Bipolar Disorder

Read on to find out more about Bipolar Disorder. If you need help with Bipolar Disorder, please reach out to us. We offer a safe place to talk.

Bipolar Type 2: symptoms and information

We are most familiar with bipolar type 2. It is the form of bipolar most often portrayed in film and on television. Unlike bipolar I, bipolar 2 requires a depressive phase to be diagnosed. Furthermore, rather than experiencing full mania, people with type 2 bipolar disorder usually experience hypomania, a

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Bipolar Type 1: symptoms and information

Bipolar type 1 is characterized by the presence of a manic episode, either with or without a depressive episode. This form of bipolar disorder is distinct from type II bipolar disorder, and that a person will experience full mania, not just hypomania, and may or may not experience depression. In

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