I’m Really Scared of Having a Baby: Is That Normal?

Fear of Having a Baby Safe Place Therapy
Many people have mixed feelings about having a baby. Some don’t want them, and others would like to have one but are terrified to have one.

Many couples will find themselves simply saying, “I don’t want kids”.  

Others might want to have kids of their own, but second guess themselves because of the hardships that come with having a baby. They may think “I want a baby, but I’m scared”. Some may even say “I am scared that having a baby will ruin my life”. Some ask if it’s downright worth it having children of their own. 

Indeed, wanting an adorable baby is often not enough. Raising a child is no joke and is filled with hardships (as well as countless joys). 

“I want to have a baby but I’m scared” – Is that normal? 

It is totally normal to be scared to have a baby. Many women are. Getting pregnant and giving birth to a child is a tremendous event in your life that will bring about life changing circumstances. Many people even doubt that they would be good parents. 

Childbirth is a common fear among women, both for those who are pregnant and not pregnant. According to a study by Hofberg and Ward, over 20% of pregnant women say they are afraid of childbirth. Another 13% of women that are not pregnant fear childbirth to the point that they will postpone pregnancy or avoid it entirely. The fear of giving birth and having a baby is shared by many women and the world – it is and 100% normal. 

“I’m scared having a baby will ruin my life” – will it? 

No, it will not ruin your life. Many future parents are afraid that having a baby will ruin their life because it just won’t be the same anymore. After all, there will be a screaming baby who has you at their beck and call. The fear of having kids can be a cause of depression during your pregnancy

This fear is valid. But, in truth, new parents are going through one of the toughest times in their life and sometimes it may become difficult to think clearly. Although life has changed and you may feel it’s over, it isn’t, things will become much better.  

In fact, having a baby can completely enrich your life. Watching your child grow up can be extremely rewarding, and fill your world with complete joy. 

“I don’t want kids” – Is that okay? 

It is fine not to have kids. While there is social pressure from friends and family to have them, there is no need to succumb to this pressure. 

Every person has their own life journey and it’s up to you how you live it.  

Talk to us about having a baby 

Deciding to have kids, getting pregnant and giving birth. These are huge life choices to make and it is normal to be scared of the unknown. 

There is nothing embarrassing about being scared and asking questions you feel are wrong. You will feel emotions that you have never have before, and the whole situation can feel overwhelming. 

If you’re feeling any of these conflicting emotions or asking yourself any of these questions, just know that you are not alone.  

Don’t hesitate to book an appointment with a parent’s counsellor here at Safe Place Therapy.

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