More often than not, healthy relationships are hard work and require extensive efforts by both parties to make them truly function.
Below, we’ll outline some guidance as to how to maintain healthy relationships for the long haul and, importantly, why this matters.
Why healthy relationships are important
Healthy relationships are important because they have been scientifically proven to positively affect our mental health, physical wellbeing and even reduce the risk of an early passing. People who have positive relationships with other people tend to feel less alone, an improved sense of self-worth and are likely to feel more happier in their lives.
Strong social connections with friends and loved ones help us navigate stressful situations, solve everyday and complex problems as well as also overcome obstacles that we constantly face. Below, we’ll outline how you can build and maintain such relationships, so you can experience these benefits.
Why ‘core needs’ are integral to relationships
Every relationship must meet ‘core relationship needs’. While it’s good for each person to be different, have different opinions and hold different values, a relationship that does not meet the ‘core needs’ is one that is doomed to fail in the long term. This includes meeting:
- emotional needs (feeling valued, loved and respected)
- physical needs (things like touching, hugging, holding and – for a partner – a fulfilling sex life)
- spiritual needs (including a mutual respect for the values, beliefs and attributes that each other holds – we cannot underestimate the importance of respect in a relationship)
- social needs (things like engaging in social activities, sharing laughter and having healthy communication)
- security (feeling committed to the relationship, with the confidence the relationship not being at risk when there are disagreements)
If these needs are met in a relationship on a consistent basis, you will go a very long way to ensuring that it remains healthy for a long time (and perhaps even forever).
How to maintain a healthy relationship
Below, we’ll outline some practical steps you can execute in order to maintain a healthy and respectful relationship, including one that meets the core needs discussed above.
Be clear about your desires
It’s important to be upfront about what you want in a relationship. This works much more effectively than passive-aggressive communication. Articulate your point clearly and honestly. A good tip is to use “I” statements instead of saying “you”. For example, say “I don’t like it when you say that” as opposed to “You always say ridiculous things”.
Keep realistic expectations
There’s no such thing as the perfect person. Accept people for who they are, rather than always wanting to change them. If you expect someone to act a certain way or do a certain thing all the time, that’s a recipe for a toxic relationship. Someone who is constantly demanding you become something that you’re not is a red flag in a relationship you’ll want to be careful of.
Develop shared interests
Find something you both enjoy, so that spending time with one another is a consistently positive experience. This could include something as simple as walking the dog or going for a jog, to something as complicated as trigonometry or foreign currency trading!
Feel good about yourself
This is one of the most important things for a wholesome relationship. If you feel good about yourself, you can give yourself the opportunity to be the best in your relationships. Never underestimate the importance of ‘me time’.
Need relationship help?
If you need to talk to someone, our Melbourne relationship counsellors can help place you and your partner on the path to enjoying each other’s company, making each other feel special and having a fulfilling long-term relationship.
Our experienced professionals have spoken to relationships of all types and are ready to sit down with you to have a completely confidential discussion.
Book your appointment today or get in touch to learn more about how we can help you.