All too often, couples come into our office, sit down and tell us that they feel unheard, unsupported and lonely in the relationship.
A proper communication is a key step of the process
Using the three wise monkeys picture above, they often describe feeling unseen, unheard or unable to talk about their feelings with one another.
Instinctively, people often go into ‘fix it’ mode when their partner starts discussing significant concerns, putting action into place to try and solve the issues brought up.
While the intention may be in the right place, the effect can be far from expected. In response, some people feel as though their feelings or experiences have been invalidated, and may even feel patronized.
Open communicating in a relationship isn’t a debate – there is no ‘winner’. Rather, there should be two people discussing an issue, and coming to a mutually beneficial solution.
Learning how to communicate
Learning how to communicate with my partner can be a difficult process as both parties have grown up talking a certain way and developed talking habits. The key message here is that you need EFFORT + the ‘Whoops’.
Effort is about both partners trying to give the above a go. By trying and putting effort in, your partner can see that communicating well is important and there is a commitment towards change.
The whoops is because we are all human, have bad days and stuff up sometimes. This is particularly the case when stress builds in life, you are sick, or tension builds in the relationship.
We aren’t saying that being disrespectful is OK. We are saying that missing a step sometimes happens but the intention is not to do this.
Simple communication steps to help you discuss relationship issues in a healthy and positive way
Our daily lives are cluttered with tasks. It’s easy to get caught up and run out of time for our relationships. Sometimes, we need to pull ourselves out of ‘work mode’, and engage in meaningful discussions.
At the same time, we also need to get our partners to engage as well – this is where things can get tricky. Sometimes a simple request, such as ‘is now a good time to talk about my day?’ or ‘I’ve had a rough day – would you mind chatting about it?’ can help bring your partner to the discussion.
Sometimes, it can be easier to bring up a discussion when you notice they seem upset of stressed with something as simple as ‘you seem stressed – do you want to talk about it?’ Engaging with your partner in a non-confrontational way is the first step to facilitating a meaningful discussion where you are both ready and willing to communicate with one another.
In the counselling field we use the term ‘active listening’ a lot. Simply put, this is a state in which you are paying attention to what your partner is saying, and understanding what they are saying without butting in.
Active listening is an important part of discussion, not only so you understand what they are saying, but so your partner also feels heard. Indicate to them that you are listening by making eye contact, nodding here and there to say you’re listening, and communicating through your own facial expressions.
You can include some open-ended questions of your own if you feel there is more to be said, such a ‘what has that been like for you?’ or ‘when did you first start feeling like this?’.
These questions can be very important to help your own understanding of what your partner is feeling. And also so they feel heard, understood and respected. Even difficult discussions can become much more manageable through active listening and mutual respect.
The final aspect to listening is to avoid being reactive or jumping to solutions. Sometimes, it is better to air our thoughts and feelings and then rest for a little while before trying to fix the problem.
This means problems aren’t being tackled while in an emotional state, and can be thought about carefully from a rational viewpoint.
Before responding, take a step back for a moment. Reflect on what you’ve just been told. This is your opportunity to clarify your understanding. This can be done in a few steps.
Firstly, summarise the content – the what, when, where and who of the situation. Summarise these core facts, and ask your partner if you have understood correctly.
The next component is to summarise the feeling – what emotions they have experienced.
Emotions are often the most difficult aspect of the story to convey. But thecan also be the most critical for understanding the reaction.
This can be a place for you to ask some further questions, such as: ‘did you feel angry/sad/frustrated?’ This will aid your understanding. And it confirms to your partner that you care about their emotional wellbeing as well.
The last step is where we start working towards a solution. This is the point where we summarise needs. What does your partner need to solve the problem? You can ask them in a non-confrontational way, such as: ‘what do you think might help?’ or ‘is there anything I can do to make you feel better?’.
Sometimes, there is no immediate solution. Sometimes just expressing their feelings and feeling heard is all your partner wants.
Following these steps helps to ensure you both feel heard, and have a clear understanding of one another’s feelings.
Communication skills can always be improved
The above are simple steps towards better talking with your partner. But they should not be seen as the holy grail or the magic pill needed for all communication issues. Communication skills can always be improved and these pointers are a start. More work needs to be done to better shape how you and your partner interact.
If communicating is a big issue in your relationship, Safe Place Therapy can help.
Visit our Relationship Counselling page for further information.
We provide affordable counselling in Melbourne at Footscray and Epping, as well as online throughout Australia.
Take the time for your relationship and reach out today.